Vol. 16 No. 1 (2022): New Horizons (January'22) Issue No. 31

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NEW HORIZONS , Vol.16 (1)

January 2022

Editorial Note

Greetings for the new year as we are proudly presenting you the latest edition of New Horizons Volume 16, Issue 1. This issue includes research articles from Literature and Linguistics, Education, International Relations, Political Science, Social Economics and Sociology fields, where authors emphasized the effects of the pandemic and technological impacts.

Since New Horizons endeavors to be an influential platform for social sciences studies, in the year of 2021 we have extended our reviewers’ board, indexed in a research indexing system Tehqeeqat and accredited by HEC as an authentic research journal.

I would like to express my gratitude to all the authors, reviewers, the publisher, the advisory and the editorial board of the Journal, the office bearers for their support in bringing out yet another volume and look forward to their unrelenting support for the successful release of upcoming editions.

We will much appreciate to the readers and encourage them to send Book Reviews which is an important section of this journal.

Dr. Altantuya Dashnyam


New Horizons

Published: 2022-01-15