Vol. 14 No. 1 (2020): New Horizons (January'20) Issue No. 27

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NEW HORIZONS , Vol.14 (1)

January 2020

Editorial Note

This issue of research journal New Horizons consists of articles on different aspects of social science research. We encourage the highest level of intellectual excellence. New Horizons understands the importance of social science study for the betterment of the society and a better understanding of human behavior, that’s why it is providing a platform for the researchers to publish and share their valuable information in any field of social sciences.

New Horizons is a peer-reviewed journal and papers are published on a merit-based after the ‘double-blind’ peer reviews process. We publish both online and printed versions of research papers in all fields of social sciences e.g., education, International Relations, Political Science, Social Economics, sociology, geography, psychology, literature and linguistics, media, and communication studies.

As I write this editorial, I am looking at the table of contents for the Volume 14, Issue 1 of the journal which includes a wide range of articles on different disciplines covering The Marxist approach to the Environmental Crises, Feminist Study of Sub-continental English Literature, abusive supervision: dimensions & scale, Effectiveness of Teacher Appraisal Systems in Private Schools of Pakistan, House Finance for lower-income groups and many more captivating articles that I am sure will delight you all. This diverse set of articles covering varied topics is a great strength to retain and enthrall scholarly readership and is something that New Horizons is committed to promoting in the research field.

With this note, I once again thank the New Horizons editorial board, reviewers, and authors for their unparalleled support and cooperation.

Dr. S Khurram Khan Alwi


New Horizons

Published: 2020-01-15
