The current study was intended to ascertain the impacts of DLT on students’ communication skills. The study was conducted by using an experimental research design. The population of the study comprised of grade VIII students’ and English language teachers’ of adopted public schools of Karachi while sample size consisted of ninety grade VIII students and two English language teachers. Quasi-experimental research design was selected for the study with 45 each in control and the treatment group. the treatment group students were given treatment by teaching through DLT while the lecture method of teaching was applied to control group students. A test was administered to all students before and after intervention. Independent t-test was used for data analysis. The post-test results revealed that the treatment group students were able to produce good results comparing to the control group students in both reading and writing skills. Researcher suggested practical implication for teachers to use DLT, TPACK and theories such as UTAUT, socially shared cognition, social cognitive for better teaching learning process. Future researches on students’ satisfaction of using DLT, qualitative study on teachers usage of DLT, a large sample study on DLT with multi-grade level students, study with lower and higher socio-economic group, a study for comparing the results of district standardised tests with provincial standardised tests were also recommended.References
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