The review paper assesses the enormous promises and challenges faced by China-Pakistan Economic Corridor [CPEC] since its inception. CPEC not only serves as an economic game-changer but also questions the current social dynamics; hence the paper critically assesses the implications of the mega project from a cultural standpoint. Firstly, the study highlights the diverse nature of the economic ideologies practiced in China and Pakistan and their infiltration in the social fabric thereby creating a distinct mind-set. Secondly, the study examines the perceived challenges between the two countries that encompass cultural differences, language barriers and gaps in technological advancement. Thirdly, a multi pronged approach is adopted to hoist a model of cultural framework to revisit the current issues and envisage a positive outcome of the economic venture. Lastly, the intervention of the think tanks for mitigating is discussed to address the potential conflict among people of the two countries arising due to closer contact on daily basis than previously envisioned.
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