
  • Dr. Mujahid Shah
  • Dr. Amjad Saleem
  • Dr. Mohammad Munazzam Sharif


Code Switching (CS), Sociolinguistic, Intra CS, Grammatical Classification


Code switching has been classified into grammatical and sociolinguistic categories. The sociolinguistic classification is mainly based on the function that codeswitching serves in a specific context while the grammatical classification is made on the basis of the structure of the code-switched component. The current study aims to investigate the nature of the grammatical classification of Code Switching (CS). For this purpose, a total of 3 hours teachers’ and students’ interactions were audiotaped and a questionnaire comprising open and close-ended questions were served to the participants of the study. The findings show that the teachers and students code switched at Intra, Inter and Tag level wherein Intra CS came up not only as of the most dominant but diverse form of CS. The study is important in the sense that it will further enhance not only understanding of the teachers and students about nature and existence but also establish the prevalence of CS in institutional settings.

Author Biographies

Dr. Mujahid Shah

Dr. Mujahid Shah is Assistant Professor in the Department of English, at Abdul Wali Khan University Mardan. His email is

Dr. Amjad Saleem

Dr. Amjad Saleem is currently working as Assistant Professor, Department of English, at the University of Peshawar, Peshawar.

Dr. Mohammad Munazzam Sharif

Dr. Mohammad Muazzam Sharif is Lecturer in the Department of English at Abdul Wali Khan University, Mardan


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